chapter 3
Hey, I’m back! Note, doing two big events back to back is very draining and I learned my lesson. Now back to comics
Two page update today! That stuff was not there last time we were in the hat. There will not be an update the next two weeks because I will be at Bully City Comicon next week and CTNX the week[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chilling. I’ve had that first panel as my discord icon for months because it channels an ideal calming vibe. But now that I’ve posted this page I need to pick a new icon from a future page
Two pages for you today! Ruu morphs into a regular chicken the boys are still soggy u-u someone get them some towels
Hello, I had a wonderful time at Zine Machine in Durham yesterday! Thank’s to everyone who stopped by and chatted with me. I have two more events coming up this year; October 27th I will be at Ssalefish Comics Greensboro[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…