Ahh this is a bad place for a Haitus but I’m having a hard time keeping on schedule with several current big life events happening all at once So until things settle I’m going to need to take a break[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ahh this is a bad place for a Haitus but I’m having a hard time keeping on schedule with several current big life events happening all at once So until things settle I’m going to need to take a break[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cameo in panel one from Court of Roses!! By Nutty @nintendonut1 on Twitter Posting page 206 on 6/6 gives me a weird numbers serotonin
2nd panel cameo characters from http://www.sombulus.com/ by Christina Major Follow her on Twitter/Instagram @delphina2k and check out her comic